The Greenhouse Incubator Programme

Business & Start-Up support and mentorship

The Greenhouse, home for UWS start-ups and entrepreneurs to grow their own business has been created in conjunction with the Trampery, Trilogy and UWS in the heart of East India Dock. The Greenhouse has a mission to offer space and business support to local people, Republic tenants, students and graduates of the UWS and impact-focused businesses.

UWS students and alumni with amazing ideas that they want to turn into a business can apply for the opportunity to take part in our six-month Greenhouse Incubator Programme that provides free office support, mentorships, and support to get the business off the ground. This programme offers free desk space for six months alongside workshops and a network of business support.

Why Join the Greenhouse Incubator Programme

Students/alumni who are successful in getting on to the programme will:

How can you join the Greenhouse Incubator Programme?

The Greenhouse Incubator Programme is for all UWS students and graduates who have a start-up that is a viable proposition.  

The Programme will run twice a year and getting onto the programme is a competitive process.  You will need to pitch your idea to a panel of judges who will decide if your business is viable and supports the mission and values of the university.  Your business can be in any sector.

To get onto the programme you will need to show that :

  • You have a really strong business idea
  • Your business stand out
  • You will bring something to the incubator space
  • You have already tested the market and have a clear business plan

After completing the programme you will have the opportunity to apply for funding under the UWS business startup scheme. 

How to apply

How to apply to the Greenhouse Incubator Programme

The UWS Greenhouse Incubator Programme runs two times a year in September and February. 

You can send in an application to at any time but applications are only considered in December and in July. 

To be considered for the September cohort you must apply by the 13th September, marking the subject heading UWS Incubator application.  A series of events with a UWS entrepreneur adviser will take place in May if you need help with the application.

The application should outline:

The application should be around 600 words